Do Witness Statements Matter in Personal Injury Cases?
websitebuilder • Sep 01, 2021

Gathering strong evidence is essential for all personal injury cases. Insurance adjusters will aggressively challenge all accounts you provide, whether or not their driver was at-fault for the accident.

As such, your lawyer should have enough to build a compelling case and get you fair compensation. Statements from witnesses can help you win the case, so finding as many as needed for success. Joe Owen and his team at the Owen Law Firm will guide you through the following importance of witnesses.

What Is a Witness Statement?

A witness statement is an account of the incident provided by a witness at the accident scene. It is one of the top pieces of evidence you can use to prove your case. Most trials have two types; an eyewitness (lay witness) and an expert witness.

Eyewitnesses are individuals who were present at the scene of the accident. They shouldn't be connected to the accident, although statements from those involved in an accident are just as vital. On the other hand, an expert witness is a certified professional with expertise in the subject, such as a doctor who can testify to your injuries.

Statements from both witnesses are essential for piecing together who was at fault and reconstructing the accident scene. Your lawyer can help you find credible eyewitnesses and hired professionals.

Why Are Witness Statements Necessary?

Eyewitness statements play a crucial role in determining who was at fault in the accident. The best witnesses are those with no connection to the accident or anyone involved. Their statements can provide unbiased and independent accounts of what happened.

Nonetheless, eyewitnesses are humans are susceptible to making mistakes or having a bad memory. Also, two witnesses may have opposing accounts, casting doubt on the credibility of their statements. Still, the court will accept and review what's presented by your lawyer.

Expert witness statements come from highly experienced professionals seen as credible sources of information in court. Some juries may take expert witness statements as the ruling standard or school of thought in a specific industry.

Benefits of Witness Statements

Here are three benefits of witness statements and why they are essential for your personal injury compensation claim.

1. Provide Evidence

A strong roster of expert and lay witnesses may provide sufficient evidence to tip the case in your favor. Your attorney will help you gather statements from the right witness to defend you from being held liable or prove the opposing party’s negligence.

2. Allow Clear Testimonial

Personal injury cases can take several weeks, especially if they go to trial. During this time, witnesses may forget some parts. Fortunately, the court can use previous written statements to remind witnesses who have a hard time recollecting the event.

3. Proving Testimony Inconsistency

The opposing driver will come to court ready with their lawyer and witness. If an eyewitness chooses to testify against you, your attorney will have a copy of their statement. Later in the trial, if the witness has a different story, you can use the previous account to prove inconsistency.

Are Witness Statements Sufficient?

A witness statement is one of many pieces of evidence a plaintiff can present to the court to support your personal injury case. Other types of evidence include surveillance camera recordings, police reports, medical reports, bill receipts, and photographs.

When building your case, your lawyer will collect as much evidence as necessary. As such, having different types of evidence can help prove your innocence to the court, precisely what you need for a successful personal injury compensation claim.

Evidence is vital in any personal injury case. As such, you should find a lawyer as soon as possible to start gathering information. The attorney will also reach out to professional expert witnesses who can help your case.

Don't let a weak case prevent you from getting fair compensation. Joe Owen and his team at the Owen Law Firm know what it takes to win big. Contact Owen Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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